IXO AIS, an aeronautical information service, is responsible for a timely flow of accurate information necessary for the safety, regularity and efficiency of air traffic. It lets you to access and manage data necessary for a preparation and a safe conduct of flights.
IXO AIS Data Management allows you to:
- Maintain, download and report static data (SDO)
- Import, maintain and distribute AIP library data
- Maintain local database of aerodromes and waypoints
- Create user-defined map layout datasets
- Manage and maintain AIS database/dataset (view, edit, export/import)
- Visualize static/dynamic data on a set of individual map layers
- Support open standard interfaces (WMS, WFS) for external data source connection
IXO AIS visualizes required data in multiple formats, such as:
- Overlays (AIS static and dynamic data, such as AIXM, METEO, FUA data, etc.) displayed in selected base map layers
- SDO objects/entities based on user-defined filtering criteria
- Hide/Show functionality to display individual layers/objects
- Feature Info panel providing information on an object selected on a map
- Up-to-date NOTAMs, AUP/UUP messages
- Real-time georeferenced data presentation of:
- NOTAM, SNOWTAM, SIGMET, METAR, TAF messages in text format
- FUA areas displayed in a map
- AUP/UUP messages
- Weather map layer including weather phenomena symbols
- Weather radar layer, thunderstorm/lightning layer
- Measurement tools